Skor Siriraj. Skor Siriraj dikatakan tidak cukup sensitif pada penelitian di Jakarta Namun penelitian terakhir di India menyimpulkan skor Siriraj masih dapat digunakan untuk membedakan stroke perdarahan dan stroke iskemik terutama di daerah yang belum memiliki fasilitas CT scan kepala Diagnosis of haemorrhagic stroke or ischemic stroke require supporting examination such as CT scan of the head as the Author Priska Widiastuti Anak Agung Bagus Ngurah NuarthaPublish Year 2015.
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Results The Siriraj stroke score was developed and calculated as (25 x level of consciousness) + (2 x vomiting) + (2 x headache) + (01 x diastolic blood pressure) (3 x atheroma markers) 12 A score above 1 indicates supratentorial intracerebral haemorrhage while a score below 1 indicates infarction The score between 1 and 1 represents an equivocal result needing a computerised brain Author N Poungvarin A Viriyavejakul C KomontriCited by Publish Year 1991.
Siriraj Stroke Score Medical Algorithm Calculator
Purpose To evaluate a patient with stroke using the Siriraj stroke score Specialty Neurology Objective clinical diagnosis including family history for genetics differential diagnosis and mimics red flags ICD10 I62 I63 I64.
Sistem Skoring Diagnostik untuk Stroke: Skor Siriraj
RESULTSThe Siriraj stroke score was developed and calculated as (25 x level of consciousness) + (2 x vomiting) + (2 x headache) + (01 x diastolic blood pressure) (3 x atheroma markers) 12 A score above 1 indicates supratentorial intracerebral haemorrhage while a score below 1 indicates infarction The score between 1 and 1 represents an equivocal result needing a computerised brain Author N Poungvarin A Viriyavejakul C KomontriCited by Publish Year 1991.
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Siriraj stroke score and validation study to distinguish
to distinguish and validation study Siriraj stroke score
Siriraj Stroke Score Stroke Neurology PDF
Siriraj Hospital Gazette 197628 164855 2 Van Arbin M De Faire U Helmers C et al Accuracy of bedside diagnosis in stroke Stroke 19811228893 3 Allan CMC Clinical diagnosis of the acute stroke syndrome Q J Med 1983425 1523 4 Harrison MJG Clinical distinction of cerebral haemorrhage and infarction Postgrad MedJ 19805662932 5 Schaafsma S On the differential diagnosis.