Prof Dr Manfred Köhler. Scientific background and CV of ProfDrManfredKoehler The main interest of ProfDrKoehler the founder of the GREEN ROOF CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE is to quantify effects on Urban vegetation He began his scientific career at the Technical University of Berlin in the Institute of Ecology where he was taught by two inspirational academics ProfDr Reinhard Bornkamm and ProfDr Herbert Sukopp.
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Manfred Köhler Mihai Voevod Marcel Dirja In the last years a lot of studies were focus on green roofs in different regions and zone on the continent The study location is in Germany at the.
Manfred KÖHLER Prof. Dr. Hochschule Neubrandenburg
Fachbereich Landschaftswissenschaften und Geomatik Studiengang Naturschutz und Landnutzungsplanung sowie Landschaftsarchitektur Fachgebiet Landschaftsökologie und Vegetationskunde Haus 2 Raum 320 weiterführende Homepage ProfDrManfredKoehler Tel (0395) 56 93 4505 Fax (0395) 56 93 4999 eMail koehler@hsnbde.
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Contact Prof Dr Manfred Köhler University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg – Germany – The three research roofsites can be seen on the righthand side on both buildings 2 and 3 since 1999.
Dr. Manfred Köhler European Green Infrastructure Conference
University of Applied Sciences ProfDrManfredKoehler and his team Research and case studies about Green infrastructure – Green facades/Living walls /vertical green systems (Biodiversity urban heat island effects) – Indoor greening – PVtech.
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Neubrandenburg, Green roofs, gruendach, mv, living walls
– Wikipedia Manfred Köhler (Landschaftsarchitekt)
research, World Green Gruendachmv, Green roof infratructure
Prof. Dr. Manfred Köhler
DrKöhler studied at the Technical University of Berlin with a Diploma Degree in 1981 and a PhD in 1987 on “Ecological effects of living wall systems” Main research interests Urban Ecology Green roofs living walls indoor greening Historic Parks and Gardens in north eastern Germany Ecological Planning of Golf Courses Since 2008 Dr.