Pastel Ufo Strawberry. Strawberry Red (RAL) color hex code is #C43E4A and RGB (196 62 74) As per HSB/HSV model the color has a hue of 355° saturation of 68% and a brightness of 77% The CMYK values of Strawberry Red (RAL) are C0 M68 Y62 K23 Strawberry Red is from the RAL Classic list numbered 3018.
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Strawberry Pastel UFO, Jatipulo, Jakarta Barat
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Best Pastel In Jakarta Review Of Strawberry Pastel Ufo Jakarta Indonesia Tripadvisor
Strawberry Red (RAL) color hex code is #C43E4A
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Strawberry Pastel Ufo, Slipi, Jakarta magicpin
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Strawberry Pastel Ufo, Slipi, Jakarta Zomato Indonesia
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Overview, News & StrawberryPastel UFO Competitors
Strawberry Pastel Ufo In mission to find the best tasting pastel in town AnakJajan visited and tried quite a lot of it finally the list has been completed Here you go the highly requested list Recommendation for Best Pastel in Jakarta Continue reading RECOMMENDED PASTEL IN JAKARTA Strawberry Ufo Ma’cik Pastellia etc →.