Anting Simple. Anting occurs either as active anting in which the bird picks an ant up and applies it to its plumage or passive anting Normally the ant during active anting will be stroked along the feathers usually the flight feathers.
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Anting From Simple English Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search A Black Drongo in a typical anting posture Anting is a behavior in which birds rub insects (usually ants) on their feathers This releases liquids with chemicals such as formic acid onto the bird's feathers Instead of ants birds can also use millipedes.
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Anting ( Chinese 安亭 pinyin Āntíng lit 'Pavilion of peace') is a town in Jiading District Shanghai bordering Kunshan Jiangsu to the west It has 96000 inhabitants and after the July 2009 merger of Huangdu ( 黄渡镇 ) an area of 8928 km 2 (3447 sq mi) Area 8928 km² (3447 sq mi)Postal code 2018KCountry People's Republic of ChinaDistrict.
Anting Wikipedia
Anting emas putih yang simple dan elegan memang kerap menjadi pilihan andalan bagi mereka yang ingin tampil menawan baik untuk acaraacara resmi berkelas seperti pesta pernikahan putri pejabat penting tertentu atau justru acaraacara biasa yang memang tidak mengharuskan untuk tampil mewah dan mencolok.
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EcoBirds Anting EcoPort
Anting Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ANTINGBEHAVIOUR may be defined as the stereotyped movements with which birds in order to get formic acid (or other organic liquids) on to the feathers for some purpose as yet not fully under.